Monday, October 26, 2015

Dayna Martin: Tiff's Dream Is Coming True!

This weekend, Tiff, has started on a new and exciting journey!

My sensitive, intense daughter, Tiff, is making her dreams come true! She just turned 14 and the world is hers! So glad we never drugged, forced conformity, beat down, or changed any aspect of her beautiful, highly-spirited self! The qualities that made her challenging to parent when she was a toddler and young child were never taken out of her, to make life easier for us as parents,
 or the other adults in her life. She wasn't forced to be obedient, or punished or treated as subservient in any way, in all of her powerful intensity. These qualities of her being, that are still respected, will be the fierce, guiding force that will enable her to get anything she wants out of life - with confidence and passion.
Radical Unschooling - Freedom, Love, Peace and Compassion
Our children are able to be Who They Are, through living this amazing life! 

Rock your life!
Dayna Martin

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