My new friend Jan Hunt asked me to reveiw her latest book, "The Unschooling Unmanual". I am very honored to do so. Jan is the founder of "The Natural Child Project", an incredible resource for parenting and natural living. Jan is also a sweet, down to earth, genuine person.
The Unschooling Unmanual was a unique and empowering book about the growing trend of Unschooling. There hasn't been such a ground-breaking book since Rue Kreams, "Parenting a Free Child, An Unschooled Life" (which I gave a copy to Dr. Phil, by the way) ;)
The Unschooling Unmanual is an an incredible compilation of essays by Unschooling Adovcates and parents. It is an easy, inspiring read. Joe has been reading me quotes from the book for the last few days. It isn't often that a parenting book will spark this kind of enthusiasm in him, so I know how special this book it. It is THE book to give to doubtful or fearing partners and family as well as anyone considering or interested in this life. So many cool Unschooling quotes that I have heard over the years are in this book.
Kudos Jan! You rocked out an amazing resource which will certainly make history!
The Unschooling Unmanual is an an incredible compilation of essays by Unschooling Adovcates and parents. It is an easy, inspiring read. Joe has been reading me quotes from the book for the last few days. It isn't often that a parenting book will spark this kind of enthusiasm in him, so I know how special this book it. It is THE book to give to doubtful or fearing partners and family as well as anyone considering or interested in this life. So many cool Unschooling quotes that I have heard over the years are in this book.
Kudos Jan! You rocked out an amazing resource which will certainly make history!
I want you to know how much I admire you as a mother, teacher, parent/mentor to your children. My hubby and I have just finished watching all your Utube videos and are so excited to really start mindful parenting. I have read the whole website, joyfullrejoycing.com and Mindful Parenting(a by someone I cant remember at the moment lol) and have really been in love with the idea of mindful parenting, however, I never knew quite how to impliment it. We unschool, we have 5 kids and are planning more, I have natural childbirth, I beleive in being eco-friendly, cloth diapering, TV and all types of toys including plastic, though I loath batteries and prefer toys without them(hehe), I breastfeed and cosleep. I cant beleive how much we are alike! I really want to help educate the world about unschooling and mindful parenting. I love seeing better ways to impliment mindful parenting by listening to your examples. I am paranoid and we do a page or 2 from a math book each day and phonics. How do you let go of that control? My kids actually are used to it though and ask for it each day. My son does Hooked on Phonics and thinks its a game and begs to do it all the time. I try to stick with short stents though to not wear him out or make him hate it. Anyhow, I just want you to know that you are awsome and doing a great job! I have 2 blogs, unschooling and another one about religion/cloth diapering/me stuff basically.
hey dayna,
my son kaya loves myth busters too! it is a pretty cool show! some other good discovery shows he likes are smash lab, dirty jobs and some assembly required.
your soon to be nieghbor (kind of!) in 3 weeks. ;)
Jill, This is Joe (Dayna is in bed) had to look over your blog and see your moving to North Conway. Cool that is like 10 miles form us What part of North Conway street? It will be nice to have more unschoolers here. What does hubby do for work?
happy to hear back when you find time
thanks Joe Martin
Hi Dayna,
I used to be on the Seacoast Unschooling Network yahoo group but just didn't have the time to keep up with it! Do you mind if I link to your blog from my blog?Anyhow, just wanted to say hello to you again, and to offer a blessing up for your beautiful family and for new Orion! What a precious, precious gift. Peace to you.
our street is off 16. the neighborhood is called fox run. its technically bartlett we think but some things say its intervale. it doesnt even come up on mapquest, i dont know whats up with that. anyway, its like the first street out of conway going north.
are you guys literally the only other unschoolers in the area? it seems weird but i guess it is pretty rural. does the local homeschool group have a yahoo group. i'd like to jion it. do you guys do any of the other groups, like leap or the seacoat unschoolers?
right now my husband (danny)is working for a buissness analysis company. he's kind of a telemarketer. he works from home. one of the reasons were moving is that its expensive here and since his job pays well it kind of makes him stuck there. but he REALLY doesnt like it. as soon as our house sells he's going to quit and do something else. not sure what though.
i grew up in ma and i really miss the forest and the ocean.its very dry here. beautiful and cheap! sweet!
see ya, jill
I was introduced to your website through a friend on a message board. Your videos have taught me a lot about myself and reminded me that it's ok to follow what I feel is right in my heart even if society doesn't always agree.
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