Monday, July 28, 2008

My Latest Rockin' Interview

Today I was interviewed by Kim of the Relaxed Homeskool Blog Talk Radio.

It was a great experience and it filled my cup for the day as I was able to advocate for this amazing life.

Radio is one of my favorite modes of advocacy.

You can listen here.


  1. It filled my cup too Dayna! I had so much fun talking to you. I went to our local unschooling group park day pretty much raving about how much fun it was.
    I'm right now passing your details on to the adult workshop conference organizer...scheming to meet you and the family in person.

    Thanks and xo,

  2. Wow! I not only got to *hang out* with you in my house, I also got tabs on Patty & Michael, whom I knew from my midwestern days! <3
