Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A Day in the Life

We have had a really long stretch of rain here in NH.

With 4 kids whose interests are so very different, my job as my kids learning facilitator is never dull or boring. Our home fluctuates between buzzing, loud excitement to quiet exploration and stillness. You learn to ride the waves of the energy in the moment and go with the flow of the majority. If you want quiet during a flurry of intensity, you are likely to be frustrated. As parents, surrendering to *What Is* and not trying to control this natural flow of energy is one way that we live a Peaceful and Joyful family life.

The kids all really love baking. It's something that they can all do together and I often buy a cake for each of them to make and tuck it away for a rainy day. I always pull out our huge selection of cake decorations and the kids go to town creating their own special cake. They love this! You'd think that 3 cakes in the house would last forever, but they usually go quickly. My favorite today was Ivy's "Red Velvet" cake. (It was a little too heavy on the sprinkles for my taste, but she loved it).

Also, Ivy loves when I color ice with food coloring for her bath. There's nothing like a fun bath in the middle of the day! She has so much fun watching the water change so many different colors.

As much as we love our rainy day activities, this Mama is looking forward to the sunshine coming soon!


  1. Ok, the colored ice for the bath tub....I love it. I will be trying that for my kiddos. Thanks! I hope the sunshine comes out soon for you too.

  2. Also good are these bathtime crayons they have now. (I got some at toys R us). Kids can color all over the tiles in the bathtub, and it's easy to clean off.
