Friday, October 3, 2008

Life Learning: How Children Learn Without With School

I was very honored to learn that one of my essays was going to be part of the latest book about Unschooling.
My article titled, "The Labyrinth of Unschooling" will be the end note of the book. I hope it leaves people feeling full of hope and inspiration.

I have received Life Learning Magazine for years and loved the unique support it offered. I was sad to hear that the magazine will no longer be published but so thrilled to learn I would be part of the book created in honor of the very magazine that aided me on this path.

I am forever grateful to be a pioneer in this shift in human consciousness.

1 comment:

  1. Very cool. I know the feeling- some of my quilts are going to be featured on a quilt website as soon as it's updated. Not as cool as being in a book, but there's that feeling of "woo ooo, someone likes something I did".
