Sunday, November 23, 2008

Winter Soups

Ahhh, Winter is coming! Once the weather turns cold, I pull out my big soup pot and start creating. I never use a recipe, because for me, making soup is a natural, instinctual thing. For some reason it comes easy to me, where baking or cooking other things is a bit more challenging for me.

One of my passions is making soup and I love the feeling of food simmering on the stove all day. The smell in the house is so yummy and cozy! I also love that the kids enjoy cutting vegetables to go into it.
I also love that if someone stops by for a visit I can offer them a bowl! In fact, my sweet friend Jill came over the other day and it was cool to nurture her with a bowl of hot soup. It is so nice to be able to give the gift of a warm, full belly to our friends when they come to spend time with us.
Here is some yummy soup that I made a few days ago. It is Vegetable-Chicken Soup.


  1. I want to come over to your house now. My grandmother was the same way with soup. She had 7 children, and was used to cooking for a ton of people. Then, in her old age, my poor grandmother would make a big pot of soup like this and eat the soup, and nothing else for three days. Same if someone came over to share it.

  2. that was some good soup! we just had turkey soup for dinner :)
