Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Snow Toffee

What do you do after a snowstorm dumps two feet of snow on the ground?

Make Snow Toffee! This has become one of our snowstorm traditions, which, living in the White Mountains, happens quite often during the winter months. It is so yummy and the kids love the whole process, from gathering the snow to joyfully eating it the day after a blizzard.

1 cup brown sugar
1/8 lb butter
1 teaspoon vanilla

1. Go outside to collect fresh snow on a cookie sheet or a casserole dish (or two). Make sure that the snow is very clean! Set aside for later use.
2. Bring all ingredients to a rolling boil in a heavy pot.
3. Boil till mixture is at the hard ball stage (when dripped into very cold water, it turns into a firm ball).
4. When the mixture has reached the desired temperature, drizzle it over the collected snow. The mixture will cool and harden very quickly.
5.This toffee can be eaten within a few minutes or stored in a cool dry place for a few days.


  1. Mmmmm snow toffee. Just yesterday I was all about Spring and now I'm wondering if we'll get anymore snow before winter's over.

  2. we do this with maple syrup- "sugar on snow"

  3. I love Dakota Tiffany's new haircut! She looks like me when I was little. Snow toffe looks great, but my daughter had other ideas. She pointed to the picture when I maximized it and said, "poo poo"

  4. We have done this maple syrup in the past. The kids new treat with snow is snow ice cream. You can check it out on our blog here:

  5. Tiff's haircut looks great! She look so young in that picture. She already needs a new head shot! ;)

    I have great memories of snow taffy (well ONE anyway) but alas I am too scared that it'll rip the thousands of dollars of fillings out of their mouths. Paranoid much? :S

  6. Tiff's haircut looks great! She look so young in that picture. She already needs a new head shot! ;)

    I have great memories of snow taffy (well ONE anyway) but alas I am too scared that it'll rip the thousands of dollars of fillings out of their mouths. Paranoid much? :S
