Thursday, June 4, 2009

Bold TV Interview

Here is my latest interview on BoldTV. I was actually asked to host my own show during the program, which is very exciting!
Details to come!


  1. dayna:
    enjoyed the interview so much. my daughter Jamie and i were laughing at the "bell" picture that was taken at the great big happy life conference as we were there with you and learned so much :)

    i am so looking forward to reading your book and gleening much inspiration from it.

    bonnie :)

  2. This was so inspiring to watch, Dayna! I was planning to sit down in front of the computer for a few minutes and I've been here for over an hour now....replaying parts for my husband too. Thank you for all that you do! I can't wait to see you on your own program.

  3. Po- EMMMMMMS!

