Orion is such an adorned part of all five of our lives.... When he looks at us and smiles, nothing else matters. He has a magic way about him. Such pure Joy in his little heart. Orion just adores his Daddy.
Joe works at home and most of the day he is next door creating awesome wooden toys... Orion loves to be with him watching what is going on in the shop. Devin was never really into this as a young boy... Orion is different. He loves playing with the tools and the wood, being part over every little thing that Daddy is doing all day.
His favorite place to be is on the bench where Joe sands and waxes the toys.. If you bought a toy from us in the last 3 months, you can be guaranteed that Orion had a hand in it's creation!
Orion is a big part of Willow Toys!
We love you Orion!! You rock our lives and we are so grateful for you little man!!
He is so beautiful!
making toys is usually very inexpensive, and you'll have full control over the safety of your masterpieces.