Sunday, August 30, 2009

Northeast Unschooling Conference - In Pictures...


  1. I love the pictures, thanks for getting them up! I was so involved that I never even brought my camera out of the room! Great to meet you all!!!!

  2. Looks like a blast! My family is counting down the days til the rethinking education conference. Can't wait to meet you:)

  3. I love the sign "World peace begins at home - be nicer to your kids"....Inspirational!

  4. Loved seeing you again. Being surrounded and in that "bubble" was so refreshing!

  5. I love the world peace bumper sticker! Where can I get one??

    Thanks! Heather

  6. Really ....where can I get those bumper stickers? I love "Focus on your own damn family" but I would be interested in other unschooling-related ones. THanks These conferences look so great, but it's either money, transportation or both that keeps us away. Maybe soon...

  7. Hi Everyone! I got our bumper stickers from Kelly Lovejoy. They are all left-over from the Live and Learn Conference.
    You can call her an ask her about them. 803-776-4849. Maybe she would mail one to you?

    ~Peace & Love, Dayna

  8. <3 I love reading your blog! This is just wonderful!
