My Mom sent me the sweetest note and with her permission I decided to post it because I feel it is a very special aspect of my birth with Orion .... her presence was something I will never forget.
Here is a picture of she and I when I was a couple days old. I love this picture. ~Dayna
"To my wonderful daughter,
"To my wonderful daughter,
It has now been 6 months since Orion's birth. I have never expressed to you the emotions that I felt on that special day. I can hardly find the words to tell you how much it meant to me to share that with you. I will never forget how it felt to catch my little grandson and look at his beautiful little face. It was magical and truly the most incredible moment of my life.
I watched you in awe- you are the most wonderful gift I have ever been given Dayna. You are brave and perfect beyond any words I have. You were focused and controlled the entire labor. You even laughed at some silly movie we were watching. How did you manage that?? lol When I think of that day I never fail to have tears of happiness and joy following my thoughts.
You gave me the most wonderful gift any daughter could give her mom and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for that. Thank you for trusting me with the most intimate and private moment of your life. Thank you for letting me be a part of that special time in our family life. I want you to know how much I love and respect you for all you do. You are my very best friend in this life. I love you little girl, Mom"
~Darlene to Dayna August 5th, 2008
Wow, your mom is so pretty.
wow, that made me cry!
thanks for sharing it.
That's so sweet. My mom was with me when I had Lizzy and my mom and I were with my sister when she had both her girls. It's so different to be with someone you love giving birth than to do it yourself. It was scary and amazing. I love that my mom and sister are my best friends. We are lucky women : )
Wow. Reading that melted my heart. Thanks for sharing. :)
Meeting your mom and connecting with you are some of my favorite memories of L&L last year - you are both amazing women! Lots of love ~
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