Friday, November 23, 2007

Busy Month!

Wow! have we been busy! We aren't really used to this because we usually live life in the slow lane. One of our wooden kitchens was in the latest issue of Mothering Magazine in their "Best Natural Toys of 2007" article. The phone hasn't stopped ringing since! We had to hire 5 people to work in the shop with Joe, which has been a new adventure! We have never had anyone work for us before besides a friend or two helping out. We learned a lot through that whole process of applications and interviews. The first day we had an ad in the paper looking for help we received over 40 phone calls!

We are living in such gratitude and abundance right now. Here is the picture from Mothering Magazine of our "Willow Kitchen". It is my personal favorite and so special to me because it was the first kitchen that we ever designed. It is what started it all for us 4 years ago. The natural growth of this business has been such a learning experience for our whole family. It is such an honor to be "Santa's Helpers".


Jessica said...

Wow Dayna, congratulations! How awesome and exciting! You guys must be dancing a jig over there. :)
I'm so happy for you!

Danielle said...

Oh wow, how wonderful! Congrats to Joe, and good luck to you with your impending arrival!