I just love this new hobby! I am addicted from only one project!
It is really important for me to always be learning new things and taking on new interests living this amazing life. I want my kids to know that life is all about growing and nurturing our interests. Devin and Tiff both got sucked into the vortex of my enthusiasm and are working on their own embroidery projects. Devin is stitching a ying/yang symbol and Tiff a gnome's house. Very cute!
I really wanted to get into embroidery, but had no idea how to do it. All of the patterns that I found seemed so boring and not "Me".
Then I was so thrilled to find the Sublime Stitching Website, "This ain't your Grandma's embroidery!" You can also learn how to do it yourself compliments of the Craft Mafia and founder of the totally hip, Sublime Stictching here.
It's hip and all of the patterns are from cutting edge artists. I am waiting for the Rock N' Roll patterns to come back into stock so I can stitch Devin a drum set wall hanging for his new music studio.
Here is my first finished project. I call it "Bee-lieve in Yourself". The kids all love this cute little Bee!
That is really cute!
cool! i love it, you didnt put the link tho. kayas been doing cross-stitch since he saw danny doing it. i need to learn how to finger knit so i can teach kaya. or maybe devin can teach him!
It's such a great feeling to be creative and make something. I feel the same way about my quilts. It's also great to see you unschooling yourself so to speak. I consider all three of us (me, my husband, my daughter) to be people whom I have to strive to help fulfill interests/passions.
If you're gonna do stitchery, might as well start at the top, right? Here's a great knitting site to explore. Definitely outside of the box thinking.
Ya gotta LUV sublime stiching!
Have you ever heard of Stitch n' Bitch? Cool knitting books! It is my intent to learn how to knit. I can cast on so far!!
Okay, the cute little bee got me. Simone and I started embroidering today and I made a bee on an old onesie. It was so addicting! I couldn't stop all night until I finished it! I'll have to post a pic soon...
(Simone, unfortunately, got bored three stitches in. Oh well- at least I found a new hobby!)
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