We first made birds nests out of clay and twigs. The we made sparkle eggs. We blew the insides out of the eggs by punching holes in either end of an egg and then blowing the yolk and white out of the egg. Then we painted the egg whites on the outside of the hollow egg and sprinkled on glitter to make them extra special.
This was such a fun project and I am so glad that the kids had another opportunity to celebrate the upcoming holiday!

On the first day of spring, Saturday March 21st, I sprinkled one of the tables in the staff room at work with plastic grass and set all kinds of chocolate eggs. I bordered it with half eggs that stood still- they looked like rocks bordering a garden patch. It was so cute, and all day long, people came in and out of the staff room freely taking chocolates. There was still some left over the next Saturday when I came back to work.
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