Sunday, May 10, 2009

Announcing "Radical Unschooling - A Revolution Has Begun"

This is the official announcement that my book, "Radical Unschooling, A Revolution Has Begun" will be out in less than a month!

It has been in the works for over 10 months and it is finally complete and ready for mass distribution!
I know that many people have been waiting for this and it is finally time to bring it....

I will be taking pre-orders for the book soon and you can email me at if you are interested in purchasing a copy. The website will be up soon and so will links on our other websites.

Thank you from all of us, for all of your support, encouragement and love... The Sparkling Martin's!
Here is a picture of the back and cover. This is a dream come true and a book that will make history as the role of parenting evolves and a shift in human consciousness takes place in regards to the rights and respect of children.
"Radical Unschooling - A Revolution Has Begun" will be available to purchase through various websites and and in the upcoming weeks.
~In Joy & Gratitude , Dayna


Laura said...

Dayna, that is so exciting! I can't wait to get one! :)

Goodness said...

Congratulations! What an accomplishment.

HeatherRea1111 said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to get a copy! Where? How much? When? so excited!

Sam said...
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Sam said...

Unbelievable! You are an amazing trail blazer, and have been so much help to me in my own journey. Congratulations on this success, you deserve it!

Das Leben in Freiheit said...

Hello! Congratulations to your book! I live in Germany and would love to get your book. Will it be available in online shops like Greetings, Olga

Dayna Martin said...

Hi Olga,

Yes, My book will be available on and

Warmly, Dayna

Susan Burke said...


Anonymous said...

I agree with Susan. w00t!
I want one but will wait until it comes out on amazon.

Heathre said...

Awesome! I am very much going to read your book.

Anonymous said...

I am a budding unschooler and can't wait to read your book to help me with my family's unschooling journey.

Joy said...

Congratulations!! What an achievement & what a fab title. Shall keep checking Amazon for when its available.

Joie said...

WOW CONGRATS to you! I would love to pick your brain sometime on how you got a publisher and such.
My son and I wrote a story that we would like to get published for mass production. It is his take on Santa.
Once again Congratulations!!!!

Charli Armstrong said...

Congratulations Dayna! I'm ready to expand my personal library of unschooling books and I will definitely be adding yours. Just like Joie, I would also like to know your publishing story! Congrats again!

denise said...

Yay! Can't wait to pick up a few copies (one for me and some to pass around). :)