Sometimes Devin helps Ivy look up information online by showing her the many resources out there from Wikipedia, YouTube, Google. Sharing information and showing or teaching another something is said to aide in the path to learning about a topic in depth.
This is an interesting aspect of living this life and something that I have never written about before. It is becoming more and more often that they are doing this with one another and with us! To see us all grow together as a family of passionate learners feels so good. It is a very powerful, blissful, intense life of constant growth.
As Ivy grows, she is taking this role with Orion at times. Here she is helping him learn to fold clothes. She was so patient and loving. She solidified her own ability and knowledge about folding laundry by teaching another. Some people learn a lot from sharing with other people. My kids have learned to joyfully support and help their siblings because they all get something positive out of it. It is a learn-learn dynamic!
This is a beautiful evolution which deepens my roots in my Truth.
My 5 yo has taught my 3 yo how to read letters and count to 12 in 2 languages. Warms my heart to see such generosity
i love this! all of your posts are so inspiring and affirming. a lot of people i know have very different philosophies/Truth than me so your writing is very inspiring to me:) <3 thank you!
i experienced this in a strange way just this week. my daughter was asking my son about surgery. he told her all about the surgery room, recovery room, staff at the hospital, and assured her it was not so bad. he was so patient and kind (a rarity these days). i'm glad she can go to him before her surgery and get information like that first hand from someone she trusts.
Sorry for my bad english. Thank you so much for your good post. Your post helped me in my college assignment, If you can provide me more details please email me.
Sweet! Your children are inspiring. I have 2 children who are just 15 months 2yo loves to teach her baby brother how to do things and teaches him sign language and songs too! It's a lovely journey to watch them grow together
My boys are just 18 mos apart (2 and 3 years old) and the older one loves teaching the younger one. He doesn't always get it "right" but the bond they are forming is priceless.
What you've said is so true. I didn't have a way of putting it into words until you said it, but I have seen how teaching someone else a skill builds competance. I will watch one of my kids teaching the other how to do something and they are so methodical and meticulous - and that is not a usual thing!
I have been having fun reading your site.
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